Lead-Fully Leadership Coaching Philosophy

Joy’s philosophy is based on developing expanded self-awareness and increased capacity to be present, in order to make choices in the moment that support what leaders truly care about. Her coaching methodology is holistic in nature, where head, heart and body converge into one integral human being filled with renewed clarity, consciousness and awareness.

“The body is incapable of not practicing. And what we practice we become…even as you sit here reading….you are shaping yourself by your posture, the way you are breathing, what you’re thinking, feeling and sensing. While this may seem subtle and far below the level of our awareness, over time this has a powerful effect in how we perceive the world and how the world perceives us”. ~ Richard Strozzi-Heckler

The Power of Expanding
Your Perspective

Look Up

Look Up

Stop and create the space for self-awareness and
your personal growth

Look Out

Look Out

Accelerate the growth of your team to create more leaders across the organization

Look Within

Look Within

Create new habits that serve you and others more effectively